2007-10-11 19:37:48 UTC
Support Cuba and the Cuban Five! - Nov, Dec events
Via NY Transfer News Collective * All the News that Doesn't Fit
International Action Center - Oct 11, 2007
Support Cuba and the Cuban Five!
To all progressives and to supporters of the Cuban Revolution: the IAC
invites you to support two important upcoming events on Cuba . Details
on both events follow./
1. "Breaking the Silence: Canada-U.S. Solidarity Conference on the
Cuban Five" in Toronto , Canada Nov. 9-11. The IAC will be organizing
transportation to Canada . Call 212.633.6646 for more information.
2. Participate in the IV Cuba/Venezuela/North America / Mexico
Conference in Tijuana , Mexico December 7, 8 and 9.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. The National Network On Cuba and the Canadian Network On Cuba are
holding a joint conference on November 9-11, 2007: "Breaking the
Silence: Canada-US Solidarity Conference on the Cuban Five". The
conference will take place in Toronto, Canada.*
Special participants will include family members of the Cuban 5.This
will be a unique opportunity for people from the United States to meet
and share experiences with the families of the Five. As most of us from
the US have been unable to travel to Cuba and as the US has repeatedly
denied visa requests for the families to come to the US, we have not
had the ability to meet the families and they have not been able to
meet the many people who have worked so hard in the cause of justice
for the Five. The conference will also feature internationally known
attorneys, intellectuals, religious and civic leaders. Plans include a
public meeting, press conference, plenary, workshops, and a chance for
brainstorming on ways for the two networks to work more effectively.
2. Cuba/Venezuela/Mexico/North America Labor Conference -- IV
Conferencia Cuba/Venezuela/Mexico/Norte America*
December, 7,8 and 9,? Diciembre,7,8 y 9 2007
!La lucha obrera no tiene fronteras!
The workers' struggle has no borders!
U.S.-Cuba/Venezuela/International Relations
FTAA/NAFTA: the ALBA Alternative
Immigration between US/Latin America
Inmigracin entre Estados y Latinoam(c)rica
In response to the repeated denial of visas by the U.S. State
Department to tour the U.S., three Cuban leaders of the Confederation
of Cuban Workers (CTC) will visit Tijuana, Mexico, a city 15 minutes
from the San Diego US/ Mexico border. This conference will give people
from North America (the United States , Canada and Mexico ) the
opportunity to hear first hand from the Cubans about Cuba 's workers
and their unions. Also, you will hear from leaders of the Venezuelan
union, UNT, about the present situation of the Venezuelan revolution
and the issues facing Venezuelan workers, representatives of Bolivia
and Nicaragua discussing the social movements there, and the social and
labor movements in the United States .
The cost to attend is $55 per person to cover the expenses of the
En respuesta a la repetida negacion del otorgamiento de visas para
visitar a los Estados Unidos de Norte America a 3 lideres sindicales
Cubanos de la Central de Trabajadores de Cuba (CTC), ellos visitaran
Tijuana, Mexico, una ciudad a 15 minutos de San Diego, CA. USA.la
frontera Mexico/EE.UU.. Esta conferencia le brindar! la oportunidad a
las trabajadores de Norte America de obtener informacin de primera
mano sobre la situacin de los trabajadores Cubanos y sus sindicatos y
sobre la realidad cubana actual., ustedes escuchar!n de lideres
sindicalistas Venezolanos de la UNT (Unin Nacional de Trabajadores),
acerca de la situacin actual de la Revolucion Venezolana.
Invited Panelists/Invitados (partial):
CUBA: Raymundo Navarro Fernandez, Director of Foreign Relations of the
C.T.C. of Cuba ;
Carmen Godines,Director of the Americas , Dept. of Foreign Relations of
the CTC;
Andres Luis Morejon Ballarte, Americas Depto. of ICAP
VENEZUELA: Representantes de la U.N.T. de Venezuela,
BOLIVIA: Representante Internacional de Bolivia,
NICARAGUA: Maritza del Socorro Espinales, Secretaria General de la
Federacion de Sindicatos Universitarios
MEXICO/Estados Unidos: Elvira Arellano, Emma Lozano: La Familia Latina
Unida, Chicago
MEXICO: Sindicato Mexicano de Electricistas (SME)
SPONSORS (partial):
U.S./Cuba Labor Exchange; Sindicato Mexicano de Electricistas (SME);
World Organization for the Right of the People to Healthcare, SEIU 1199
NY; National Network on Cuba (NNOC); Venezuela Solidarity Network
(VSN); International Action Center (IAC); Cuba Solidarity New York
(CSNY); Southwest Workers Union, San Antonio, Texas; C.O.M.P.A.,
Converjencia de los Movimientos de los Pueblos de Las Americas; Peace
and Freedom Party - California; Alberto Lovera Bolivarian Circle of
NY; CUSSP, Cuba-U.S. Sustainability Project
Conference Registration/ Datos para su inscripcin a la Conferencia:
Address/Direccion:__________________________City,State, Zip/Ciudad,
Estado, Zona postal:_______________________
Phone/Telefono:__________Fax:___________ Email/Correo
[ ]Enclosed is my registration fee of $ 55 U.S. dollars
[ ]Envio mi registro y mi donacion de 55 dolares US y quisiera aportar
la cantidad de $_______para aquellos participantes de bajo ingreso.
[ ] I would like to give a donation of $ ________ for a low-income
Mail your registration - Envelo por correo a:
US/Cuba Labor Exchange ? P.O. BOX 39188 ? Redford MI 48239 ? Phone/Fax:
(313) 561-8330 ? Email: ***@aol.com
Reservations can be made at: Reservaciones de Hotel:
Hotel Palacio Azteca
Blvd Cuauhtemoc Sur #213 Colonia Davila
22400 Tijuana, Mexico
Toll Free from USA 1 888 901 3720 Toll Free From Mexico 01 8000266660
Single/Sencilla Room $86US Dollars Double/doble Room $119 US Dollars
(This will included two breakfasts and one dinner)
(Este precio incluye dos desayunos y una cena)
NY Transfer News Collective * A Service of Blythe Systems
Since 1985 - Information for the Rest of Us
Our main website: http://www.blythe.org
List Archives: http://blythe-systems.com/pipermail/nytr/
Subscribe: http://blythe-systems.com/mailman/listinfo/nytr
Via NY Transfer News Collective * All the News that Doesn't Fit
International Action Center - Oct 11, 2007
Support Cuba and the Cuban Five!
To all progressives and to supporters of the Cuban Revolution: the IAC
invites you to support two important upcoming events on Cuba . Details
on both events follow./
1. "Breaking the Silence: Canada-U.S. Solidarity Conference on the
Cuban Five" in Toronto , Canada Nov. 9-11. The IAC will be organizing
transportation to Canada . Call 212.633.6646 for more information.
2. Participate in the IV Cuba/Venezuela/North America / Mexico
Conference in Tijuana , Mexico December 7, 8 and 9.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. The National Network On Cuba and the Canadian Network On Cuba are
holding a joint conference on November 9-11, 2007: "Breaking the
Silence: Canada-US Solidarity Conference on the Cuban Five". The
conference will take place in Toronto, Canada.*
Special participants will include family members of the Cuban 5.This
will be a unique opportunity for people from the United States to meet
and share experiences with the families of the Five. As most of us from
the US have been unable to travel to Cuba and as the US has repeatedly
denied visa requests for the families to come to the US, we have not
had the ability to meet the families and they have not been able to
meet the many people who have worked so hard in the cause of justice
for the Five. The conference will also feature internationally known
attorneys, intellectuals, religious and civic leaders. Plans include a
public meeting, press conference, plenary, workshops, and a chance for
brainstorming on ways for the two networks to work more effectively.
2. Cuba/Venezuela/Mexico/North America Labor Conference -- IV
Conferencia Cuba/Venezuela/Mexico/Norte America*
December, 7,8 and 9,? Diciembre,7,8 y 9 2007
!La lucha obrera no tiene fronteras!
The workers' struggle has no borders!
U.S.-Cuba/Venezuela/International Relations
FTAA/NAFTA: the ALBA Alternative
Immigration between US/Latin America
Inmigracin entre Estados y Latinoam(c)rica
In response to the repeated denial of visas by the U.S. State
Department to tour the U.S., three Cuban leaders of the Confederation
of Cuban Workers (CTC) will visit Tijuana, Mexico, a city 15 minutes
from the San Diego US/ Mexico border. This conference will give people
from North America (the United States , Canada and Mexico ) the
opportunity to hear first hand from the Cubans about Cuba 's workers
and their unions. Also, you will hear from leaders of the Venezuelan
union, UNT, about the present situation of the Venezuelan revolution
and the issues facing Venezuelan workers, representatives of Bolivia
and Nicaragua discussing the social movements there, and the social and
labor movements in the United States .
The cost to attend is $55 per person to cover the expenses of the
En respuesta a la repetida negacion del otorgamiento de visas para
visitar a los Estados Unidos de Norte America a 3 lideres sindicales
Cubanos de la Central de Trabajadores de Cuba (CTC), ellos visitaran
Tijuana, Mexico, una ciudad a 15 minutos de San Diego, CA. USA.la
frontera Mexico/EE.UU.. Esta conferencia le brindar! la oportunidad a
las trabajadores de Norte America de obtener informacin de primera
mano sobre la situacin de los trabajadores Cubanos y sus sindicatos y
sobre la realidad cubana actual., ustedes escuchar!n de lideres
sindicalistas Venezolanos de la UNT (Unin Nacional de Trabajadores),
acerca de la situacin actual de la Revolucion Venezolana.
Invited Panelists/Invitados (partial):
CUBA: Raymundo Navarro Fernandez, Director of Foreign Relations of the
C.T.C. of Cuba ;
Carmen Godines,Director of the Americas , Dept. of Foreign Relations of
the CTC;
Andres Luis Morejon Ballarte, Americas Depto. of ICAP
VENEZUELA: Representantes de la U.N.T. de Venezuela,
BOLIVIA: Representante Internacional de Bolivia,
NICARAGUA: Maritza del Socorro Espinales, Secretaria General de la
Federacion de Sindicatos Universitarios
MEXICO/Estados Unidos: Elvira Arellano, Emma Lozano: La Familia Latina
Unida, Chicago
MEXICO: Sindicato Mexicano de Electricistas (SME)
SPONSORS (partial):
U.S./Cuba Labor Exchange; Sindicato Mexicano de Electricistas (SME);
World Organization for the Right of the People to Healthcare, SEIU 1199
NY; National Network on Cuba (NNOC); Venezuela Solidarity Network
(VSN); International Action Center (IAC); Cuba Solidarity New York
(CSNY); Southwest Workers Union, San Antonio, Texas; C.O.M.P.A.,
Converjencia de los Movimientos de los Pueblos de Las Americas; Peace
and Freedom Party - California; Alberto Lovera Bolivarian Circle of
NY; CUSSP, Cuba-U.S. Sustainability Project
Conference Registration/ Datos para su inscripcin a la Conferencia:
Address/Direccion:__________________________City,State, Zip/Ciudad,
Estado, Zona postal:_______________________
Phone/Telefono:__________Fax:___________ Email/Correo
[ ]Enclosed is my registration fee of $ 55 U.S. dollars
[ ]Envio mi registro y mi donacion de 55 dolares US y quisiera aportar
la cantidad de $_______para aquellos participantes de bajo ingreso.
[ ] I would like to give a donation of $ ________ for a low-income
Mail your registration - Envelo por correo a:
US/Cuba Labor Exchange ? P.O. BOX 39188 ? Redford MI 48239 ? Phone/Fax:
(313) 561-8330 ? Email: ***@aol.com
Reservations can be made at: Reservaciones de Hotel:
Hotel Palacio Azteca
Blvd Cuauhtemoc Sur #213 Colonia Davila
22400 Tijuana, Mexico
Toll Free from USA 1 888 901 3720 Toll Free From Mexico 01 8000266660
Single/Sencilla Room $86US Dollars Double/doble Room $119 US Dollars
(This will included two breakfasts and one dinner)
(Este precio incluye dos desayunos y una cena)
NY Transfer News Collective * A Service of Blythe Systems
Since 1985 - Information for the Rest of Us
Our main website: http://www.blythe.org
List Archives: http://blythe-systems.com/pipermail/nytr/
Subscribe: http://blythe-systems.com/mailman/listinfo/nytr