2009-11-06 19:37:42 UTC
Published: Friday | October 30, 2009
The Jamaican Government must be complimented on its principled
stand with regard to its position on the American trade embargo
with Cuba. There can be no doubt that at this time, the embargo
has proven to be totally fruitless and has not accomplished what
it was originally intended to, that is, to effect regime change in
that country. In addition, it has also contributed to the economic
hardship of Cuba and its people.
A proper analysis of the Cuban situation, however, would confirm
that the embargo only represented a small portion of the ills that
have bedevilled Cuba over the years. During that time, it did
become fashionable to blame the embargo for all the failures of
the regime as it was politically very expedient to do so.
but really, what is the embargo really about?The Jamaican Government must be complimented on its principled
stand with regard to its position on the American trade embargo
with Cuba. There can be no doubt that at this time, the embargo
has proven to be totally fruitless and has not accomplished what
it was originally intended to, that is, to effect regime change in
that country. In addition, it has also contributed to the economic
hardship of Cuba and its people.
A proper analysis of the Cuban situation, however, would confirm
that the embargo only represented a small portion of the ills that
have bedevilled Cuba over the years. During that time, it did
become fashionable to blame the embargo for all the failures of
the regime as it was politically very expedient to do so.
virtual slave labor and expropriated assets.
Ensuring the regime can not profit from its abuses.
On the other hand Cuba now imports 80% of its food. A third comes
from the US.
That is a good thing as well.
When nuclear missiles were threatening the US the blockade was a
obvious US solution. Whilst Cuba enjoyed relations with the USSR
during the cold war the blockade and embargo were obvious.
There was never a real "blockade" except made when the US was readyobvious US solution. Whilst Cuba enjoyed relations with the USSR
during the cold war the blockade and embargo were obvious.
to stop some ships they knew had missiles and parts on board.
With the demise of the USSR and Cuba posing less threat to US
interests than W Bush, what is the embargo really about?
Its about differences in political ideology and the US wanting to
pull Cuba back in to what it thinks is its rightful sphere of
It is about ending the last remnant of an abusive system, just likeinterests than W Bush, what is the embargo really about?
Its about differences in political ideology and the US wanting to
pull Cuba back in to what it thinks is its rightful sphere of
Zimbabwe and Myanmar.
Look at China.
When change starts US attitudes change.
The US changed policy to China years ago as China gave some signs of
China is on a new "long march". One that will benefit its people.
Cuba under castro is in limbo until Fidel dies.
Even Raul fears his brother.
After Fidel the Raul clan (army) will try to enrich itself to the hilt
(Russia style) and the system will fall.
The international community should act to deny that new crime against
the Cuban people.
but is not really about human rights. It is about political and
economic interests.
It would be in US interest to freely sell goods to Cuba.economic interests.
They don't.
So clearly no "sort term" economical gain.
In the long term transition in Cuba will not just benefit the US, it
will also cost them in aid.
There is no "West Cuba" to pay for the revival of "East Cuba".
As far as politics is concerned I am sure that few governments can be
as displeasing to the US than the Castro regime, but if the US wanted
immediate regime change they could have done so easily after the
Berlin wall fell.
The Russians wouldn't have lifted a (nuclear) finger.
The US is happy to trde an have relations with abusive regimes when
it suits their interests.
and it could do so with Cuba, but it doesn' suits their interests.
So what is your point: they should trade with all abusive regimes or
they should sanction all abusive regimes?
political influence, american hegemony and economic interests.
It can be accompanied by concerns over civil rights etc but 'civil
rights' doesn't stop the US when it wants to assert/further its
political and hegemonic interests.
I guess they should take human rights more in to concern.rights' doesn't stop the US when it wants to assert/further its
political and hegemonic interests.
that means more sanctions, not only against Cuba, Zimbabwe, Myanmar, ...
As people said, The US would have invaded Zimbabwe by now if oil has
been involved.
Don't think so.been involved.
In Cuba there is oil and no invasion underway last I saw.
In fact George, your arguments show that there need to be more use of
Should there have been: yes.
Has Chile returned to democracy in the end: yes.
Cuba: no.
were there sanctions against Iraq when they were waring with Iran?
Nope.Should there have been sanctions against Saddam for years: yes.
Is there some hope for a better system now: yes.
Cuba: no.
What is your point: all or none?
If you are consistent you should demand more sanctions, not less.
Typically sanctions don't work. Hasn't budged Cuba OR North Korea, hasIs there some hope for a better system now: yes.
Cuba: no.
What is your point: all or none?
If you are consistent you should demand more sanctions, not less.