2009-11-01 13:40:43 UTC
We've all read here the braying about Hugo Chavez, Zelaya of Honduras,
Allende and the like, all of whom have been democratically elected. Some
here argue stridently that any opposition to their actions in office are
evil. A few people have the infantile belief that the mere fact of a
democratic election is "LICENSE" to do anything they wish. Such as rule by
decree. We can take Chavez as an example because so much of his stuff is in
the open. Such as replacing justices on the high court in Venezuela with his
lackeys. Installing his own hand picked men as the commanding officers of
the military, declaring ALL opposition to him a crime. Outlawing the
opposition party. Arresting the opposition leaders. Placing tanks and APC's
outside polling places. Deciding by decree that he is PRESIDENT FOR LIFE.
Confiscating all media that is in opposition or neutral to his EDICTS.
Personally rewriting the Constitution to his desires allowing his policies.
Pretty much the same thing that Zelaya tried to do in Honduras and Allende
was doing in Chile before being deposed.
All of that is fine. What does it have to do with the USA? Start paying
attention to the rhetoric and actions. Look at the language referring to all
opposition media (particularly Fox news) and things like talk radio and
blogs on the internet that don't meet with the current administration's
liking. Listen to the head of the FCC and statements of making the media
more "socially just" by decrying that the media must be changed to reflect
diversity. In short meaning the seizure of licenses and awarding them to
those who agree more with the administration. (ACORN) SOCIAL JUSTICE. Listen
to all the comments about capitalism. Comments on the "NEED" for
"REDISTRIBUTION" of almost everything. Which is not so clever code language
to indicate a change in the US from a capitalist system to a socialist
system much like that modeled in Cuba. I'd say that was legitimate if THAT
was what the people voted for. It wasn't. They had NO idea that "CHANGE"
mean changing from capitalism to socialism.
There was an OLD radio drama named "IF FREEDOM FAILS" back in the 50's
that now seems frighteningly prophetic. Most Americans are SLEEPING through
this and have NO IDEA what is happening. It isn't health care. What you are
seeing is a fundamental change in America AWAY form capitalism to socialism.
Take a look of a nation where a BUREAUCRAT can decide that YOU don't need
the house you are living in and give it to another family. Say a minority or
illegal immigrants as SOCIAL JUSTICE. Your car? You just have too damn much.
Think of a secret police. Think of the calls asking people to INFORM on
their neighbors who DARE to speak ill of the present government. Take a look
at an organization in Cuba called the CDR (Committee for the Defense of the
Revolution) and think of it as neighborhood watch on steroids where
EVERYTHING a person does is watched and reported to State Security.
(Homeland Security) Try to image a law where somebody from the government
can come to your home and catalog EVERY possession you have, and then ORDER
you to give up items for SOCIAL JUSTICE to others. If you are not paying
attention that *IS* what is being advocated for in Washington. Think of the
CDR that controls not only the STUFF you have, but even controls your job
and the food you are "ALLOWED." If you say the wrong things, or even THINK
the wrong things your food is cut off. You don't get water.
LISTEN to what is being said about "freedom of speech" in Washington.
Plans to abolish it. Freedom of religion. OUTLAW the "wrong" religions. Of
course argue that there is ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT to own a firearm.
Say what you will about Glenn Beck, but lately he has been contrasting
the things being said by the current power people in Washington against what
the founding fathers said. They are polar opposite in many cases.
It is clear that the "CHANGE" that we are getting is a change from a
capitalist system to state controlled socialism. Listen to the antagonism
toward the Constitution. These people in NO WAY believe that the
Constitution is the law of the land. They believe that THEY ARE! They
believe in rule by DECREE. Some have been so bold as to suggest that we
don't need to ever have another election.
I don't know where they think they are going. It seems to me inevitable
that what they are bringing on America will inevitably bring violence and
much agony to this country. You can't tell them that what they are doing is
wrong. Not only won't they listen or hold a rational discussion, but their
reaction is violence of one kind or another. They "must" destroy you if you
don't think their way.
Allende and the like, all of whom have been democratically elected. Some
here argue stridently that any opposition to their actions in office are
evil. A few people have the infantile belief that the mere fact of a
democratic election is "LICENSE" to do anything they wish. Such as rule by
decree. We can take Chavez as an example because so much of his stuff is in
the open. Such as replacing justices on the high court in Venezuela with his
lackeys. Installing his own hand picked men as the commanding officers of
the military, declaring ALL opposition to him a crime. Outlawing the
opposition party. Arresting the opposition leaders. Placing tanks and APC's
outside polling places. Deciding by decree that he is PRESIDENT FOR LIFE.
Confiscating all media that is in opposition or neutral to his EDICTS.
Personally rewriting the Constitution to his desires allowing his policies.
Pretty much the same thing that Zelaya tried to do in Honduras and Allende
was doing in Chile before being deposed.
All of that is fine. What does it have to do with the USA? Start paying
attention to the rhetoric and actions. Look at the language referring to all
opposition media (particularly Fox news) and things like talk radio and
blogs on the internet that don't meet with the current administration's
liking. Listen to the head of the FCC and statements of making the media
more "socially just" by decrying that the media must be changed to reflect
diversity. In short meaning the seizure of licenses and awarding them to
those who agree more with the administration. (ACORN) SOCIAL JUSTICE. Listen
to all the comments about capitalism. Comments on the "NEED" for
"REDISTRIBUTION" of almost everything. Which is not so clever code language
to indicate a change in the US from a capitalist system to a socialist
system much like that modeled in Cuba. I'd say that was legitimate if THAT
was what the people voted for. It wasn't. They had NO idea that "CHANGE"
mean changing from capitalism to socialism.
There was an OLD radio drama named "IF FREEDOM FAILS" back in the 50's
that now seems frighteningly prophetic. Most Americans are SLEEPING through
this and have NO IDEA what is happening. It isn't health care. What you are
seeing is a fundamental change in America AWAY form capitalism to socialism.
Take a look of a nation where a BUREAUCRAT can decide that YOU don't need
the house you are living in and give it to another family. Say a minority or
illegal immigrants as SOCIAL JUSTICE. Your car? You just have too damn much.
Think of a secret police. Think of the calls asking people to INFORM on
their neighbors who DARE to speak ill of the present government. Take a look
at an organization in Cuba called the CDR (Committee for the Defense of the
Revolution) and think of it as neighborhood watch on steroids where
EVERYTHING a person does is watched and reported to State Security.
(Homeland Security) Try to image a law where somebody from the government
can come to your home and catalog EVERY possession you have, and then ORDER
you to give up items for SOCIAL JUSTICE to others. If you are not paying
attention that *IS* what is being advocated for in Washington. Think of the
CDR that controls not only the STUFF you have, but even controls your job
and the food you are "ALLOWED." If you say the wrong things, or even THINK
the wrong things your food is cut off. You don't get water.
LISTEN to what is being said about "freedom of speech" in Washington.
Plans to abolish it. Freedom of religion. OUTLAW the "wrong" religions. Of
course argue that there is ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT to own a firearm.
Say what you will about Glenn Beck, but lately he has been contrasting
the things being said by the current power people in Washington against what
the founding fathers said. They are polar opposite in many cases.
It is clear that the "CHANGE" that we are getting is a change from a
capitalist system to state controlled socialism. Listen to the antagonism
toward the Constitution. These people in NO WAY believe that the
Constitution is the law of the land. They believe that THEY ARE! They
believe in rule by DECREE. Some have been so bold as to suggest that we
don't need to ever have another election.
I don't know where they think they are going. It seems to me inevitable
that what they are bringing on America will inevitably bring violence and
much agony to this country. You can't tell them that what they are doing is
wrong. Not only won't they listen or hold a rational discussion, but their
reaction is violence of one kind or another. They "must" destroy you if you
don't think their way.