Comrade Dan Christensen's political fantasies about Cuba
(too old to reply)
2009-10-30 08:09:57 UTC
"Dan Christensen" <***@netcom.ca> wrote in message news:c4d5bfa7-7092-467e-a4d0-***@m13g2000vbf.googlegroups.com...

[snip and LIE]
Please explain why you can't produce a quote from a reputable
organization referring to the trade sanctions as "genocide"
On the contrary, Amnesty International reported only last month that,
“The RESTRICTIONS IMPOSED BY THE EMBARGO help to deprive Cuba of vital
access to medicines, new scientific and medical technology, food,
chemical water treatment and electricity.”
But they NEVER support YOUR insane claim of GENOCIDE.
COMRADE C> They most certainly do.

Danny - IF you are stupid enough to makle such a claim NEVER post a link
to what they DID say to back yourself up. The word "GENOCIDE" is NOT to be
found in THEIR text, OLNLY in what you INSERT here into it.
Even YOU cannot deny that the only purpose of such sanctions would be
to kill children and other vulnerable groups. Whatever it takes,
right, Mr. Lobbyist?
Sure we can deny it because it isn't true.
COMRADE C> Well then, Kennykins, what purpose, OTHER THAN killing children
COMRADE C> other vulnerable groups, is served by sanctions that deprive a
COMRADE C> of vital access to medicines, new scientific and medical
COMRADE C> food, chemical water treatment and electricity?

We've been over this dozens of times Comrade, namely to deprive the
Castro government of the PROFIT off the back of the Cuban people. That is
only one of dozens. The point is AGAIN, you lying sack of shit, is that Cuba
DOES buy those things from other nations. Let's get to your REAL
COMPLAINT - that is that the U.S. won't GIVE the stuff to Cuba. Tell me why
you believe the U.S. "OWES" that stuff to Cuba. Bet ya won't!
2009-10-30 20:55:06 UTC
[snip facts that Comrade C can't answer and LIE his ass off]
Please explain why you can't produce a quote from a reputable
organization referring to the trade sanctions as "genocide"
On the contrary, Amnesty International reported only last month that,
“The RESTRICTIONS IMPOSED BY THE EMBARGO help to deprive Cuba of vital
access to medicines, new scientific and medical technology, food,
chemical water treatment and electricity.”
But they NEVER support YOUR insane claim of GENOCIDE.
They most certainly do.
Danny - IF you are stupid enough to makle such a claim NEVER post a link
to what they DID say to back yourself up. The word "GENOCIDE" is NOT to be
found in THEIR text, OLNLY in what you INSERT here into it.
Again COMRADE Cristensen tap dances away from the FACT that Amnesty
International does NOT use the term "GENOCIDE" in its reports nor make ANY
claims of people dhying from the embargo. In FACT Comrade Chistensen avoids
ALL "facts" on the subject, such as the FACT that the United States is one
of Cuba's largest suppliers of food. Not just food that is SOLD to Cuba, but
food that is DONATED to Cuba which the Castro govenment in turn SELLS at
high prices to the people instead of GIVING it to them as was intended by
the American people. Danny will SNIP this AGAIN and pretend it was never
Even YOU cannot deny that the only purpose of such sanctions would be
to kill children and other vulnerable groups. Whatever it takes,
right, Mr. Lobbyist?
Sure we can deny it because it isn't true.
Well then, Kennykins, what purpose, OTHER THAN killing children and
other vulnerable groups, is served by sanctions that deprive a nation
of vital access to medicines, new scientific and medical technology,
food, chemical water treatment and electricity?
We've been over this dozens of times Comrade, namely to deprive the
Castro government of the PROFIT off the back of the Cuban people.
COMRADE C> Actually, this the first time you or your clownish colleague have
COMRADE C> brought this up.

Bullshit, I have brought it up many times in the past 6 or 7 years,

COMRADE C> Nevertheless, this is a rationalization, not a purpose. It is
not even based on fact. In any case it seems that, in
COMRADE C> order to deprive the Cuban government of some illusory profits,
COMRADE C> are willing to inflict sanctions on the general population that
COMRADE C> sense tells you can only result in the deaths and needless
COMRADE C> of children and other vulnerable groups. Yes, I can see how much
COMRADE C> just "love" the Cuban people. Let them eat shit, right,

No, Danny NOT right. You don't know what "common sense" is Comrade, you
don't have ANY "sense" at all. The U.S. has donated hundreds of tons of
wheat and rice for the WFP for Cuba, and the bags can be seen in the stores
in Cuba and the rice and wheat for SALE $$$$ $$$$ $$$$$ to the people at
HUGE prices. Lety's cut the happy bullshit. Next to the American products
for SALE (profits to the government) can be seen food also donated from
CANADA and other couuntries FOR SALE at HUGE profits for Fidel.

COMRADE C> March 2009

COMRADE C> "Amnesty International urges the US government to lift the nearly
COMRADE C> decade long economic and trade embargo against Cuba as it is
COMRADE C> detrimental to the fulfillment of the economic and social rights
COMRADE C> the Cuban people. It OBSTRUCTS AND CONSTRAINS efforts by the
COMRADE C> government to purchase essential medicines, medical equipment and
COMRADE C> supplies, food and agricultural products, construction materials
COMRADE C> access to new technologies.


And YET, it seems, Cuba IS able to obtain those items from other
nations. What YOU really bitch about when we sort out all your BULLSHIT
ranting is that the U.S. won't just GIVE the things to the Castro
government. When IT takes credit for the stuff telling the people; "The
revolution gives you EVERYTHING!!!!" Living in Cuiba is like living in
Alice's wonderland. AGAIN, Danny you are a MORON, you give a LINK to AI and
NOWHERE does the organization accuse the U.S. of GENOCIDE. You jusy TRY to
read it into what they say. It is only your DEMENTED interpretations of
their position. You really shold stop posting a link that PROVES what a
weasely liar you are.

COMRADE C> "Because of the US embargo, Cuba faces SEVERE RESTRICTIONS in
COMRADE C> importing medicines, medical equipment or technologies from the
USA or
COMRADE C> from any US company abroad. The sanctions also limit other
imports to
COMRADE C> the island and restrict travel and the transfer of money."

Oh boy we could talk about this one in book length. They have problems
importing stuff because they don't pay their bills and UNCLE SUGAR won't
GIVE the stuff to them as you claim we are "OBLIGATED" to do. I don't know
how that twisted mind of yours comes to the conclusion that we OWE it to
Cuba, but you do.

Yes the U.S. restricts travel to Cuba. Why? Cuba REFUSES to gurantee the
safety of Americans who go there. Offers NO consular protections at all. OF
COURSE the U.S. doesn't want Americans to go there when the Cuban government
won't respect even the Swiss protective power. Much less the U.S. Interests
section who are routinely told to "go fukk yourselves." Transfer of money?
WHY, Comrade? Transfer money from the U.S. Treaury to the Cuban treassury?
WHY? Give me your best LOGIC on why the United States is "OBLIGATED" to do
that. Bet you won't.
2009-10-31 09:45:15 UTC
Finally smoked you out! So, this is how you justify these cruel and
inhumane sanctions of yours! According to you, inflicting death and
needless suffering on Cuban children is "justified" by the mark-ups in
government shops!!!
Finally smoked you out! So, this is how you justify these cruel and
inhumane sanctions of yours! According to you, inflicting death and
needless suffering on Cuban children is "justified" by the mark-ups in
government shops!!!
That is the biggest crap and pack of lies I have ever read in any NG
in my life. You are a piece of shit Dan Christensen.
Stop living of your wife and get a real job.
That will ensure you have less time to lie here.
You claim to be communist and deny the Cuban people everything while
you use all capitalist tricks (and boast about them on the web) to
sell your house in Brampton to follow your wife to her new job in
I lived in Cuba and know what life is like there.
I lost all when I left. Compay Libre
MANY claims about Cuba even though it has been proven that he has never been
there. Comrade Christen love to YELL at Cubans to "TELL" them what life is
REALLY like in Cuba. He claims to know vastly more about the REAL life in
Cuba than ANY living Cuban, except possibly Fidel and Raul. He is an
overbearing ass. As I have said before in this forum, my wife is Cuban
(Holguinera) we were married in Cuba. My son in law is Cuban. I have
relatives living over a large part of the island. NOTHING that Comrade
Christensen says about Cuba has a great deal of resemblance to the truth of
Cuban life. Danny is a propagandist and pathological liar. Cuba is nowhere
near as awful as we hear from Washington, nor nowhere near as ideal as we
hear from Havana. Cuba is falling apart largely due to an inept government
and the age-old problem Cuba has had since the Spanish first settled the
island. That is corruption!

Let's face the first tough fact. Spain did NOT send its best to settle
the Americas. For most folks I don't need to go past that. Corruption is
systemic in Cuba and has been from the start. I am not sure it will ever
change. Batista had his Mafiosi. The crooks are still there they are just
called different names today. Batista's main fault, compared to Castro, was
his lack of imagination. Every Cuban reading this is now on the floor
laughing. You get what I mean.

Christensen LOVES to argue with and put down any Cuban who dares
disagree with this Canadian asshole who has never been to Cuba but still
proclaims himself to be THE expert on the island and its conditions. He will
put down any Cuban as not knowing what the hell they are talking about. He
says HE knows more. I won't even go to how he falsifies quotes of
organizations like Amnesty International by altering the text of their

There are two things that are the main reasons why the Castro brothers
remain in power. The first was the stupid, inept, half-assed Bay of Pigs
Invasion. The second has been the embargo and the IDIOTIC rhetoric from
Washington. Worst was George W. Bush with his STUPID comments thoughtless
policies toward Cuba.Bush loved to TALK tough. That played right into
Castro's hands. Bush did the very worst things he could to effect changes in
Cuba. His idiotic carrot and stick process if for retarded children. What
Cuba needed was boatloads of milk and honey diplomacy. A policy of blind
anger and hate won't get anyone anywhere. What would *I* do? Cultural
exchanges. I'd persuade the Estefans to do a series of FREE Concerts in
Cuba. I'd have other U.S. entertainers (NOT the IDIOT Sean Penn) do things
there. I might even persuade Hollywood to do a major film there. Hire
several hundred Cubans as extras. Even at $2 an hour they'd be earning much
more than they get paid there. Pay them more, to be sure.

Do I have any illusions about Cuba? Not many. But I still believe you
get more with a smile and handshake than you do with a snarl and a clenched
fist. RESPECT goes a long way in Cuba, which I bet YOU understand.
2009-11-02 21:12:38 UTC
There is no "killing of Cuban" children.
Still in denial, I(snip)
COMRADE C> What the cowardly PL snipped for all too obvious reasons AGAIN!:

COMRADE C> Still in denial, I see. As you know, Amnesty International, only
COMRADE C> month, reported:

COMRADE C> "The export of medicines and medical supplies continues to be

Only from the U.S., Comrade. Cuba obtains all the medicine it wants from
other sources. You are so disingenuous. You KNOW that. Your BITCH is that
the U.S. won't GIVE Cuba all that stuff for FREE because you believe it is
our "OBLIGATION" to give it to them. You STILL run away from explaining
your logic on WHY the United States OWES it to Cuba to GIVE them the things
you whine about. They can BUY it.
2009-11-03 00:03:44 UTC
Post by krp
There is no "killing of Cuban" children.
Still in denial, I(snip)
COMRADE C> Still in denial, I see. As you know, Amnesty International,
only last
COMRADE C> "The export of medicines and medical supplies continues to be
Only from the U.S., Comrade. Cuba obtains all the medicine it wants
from other sources. You are so disingenuous. You KNOW that. Your BITCH
is that the U.S. won't GIVE Cuba all that stuff for FREE because you
believe it is our "OBLIGATION" to give it to them. You STILL run away
from explaining your logic on WHY the United States OWES it to Cuba to
GIVE them the things you whine about. They can BUY it.
Dan two big problems:
- the US supplies lots of Cuba's food as confirmed by lots of sources.
- the Cuban regime has no money to buy the food it really needs for the
people given it mismanaged agriculture which resulted in 80% import
dependency for food and the economy as a whole which doesn't provide
them the means to purchase what Cubans need

To hide these facts he uses post-edited snippets of statements of
Amnesty and others in the vain hope to mislead people.
Everybody that exposes his lies he insults with venomous lies.
The guy is a nutcase.

2009-11-03 10:47:19 UTC
Post by PL
Post by krp
There is no "killing of Cuban" children.
Still in denial, I(snip)
COMRADE C> Still in denial, I see. As you know, Amnesty International,
only last
COMRADE C> "The export of medicines and medical supplies continues to be
Only from the U.S., Comrade. Cuba obtains all the medicine it wants
from other sources. You are so disingenuous. You KNOW that. Your BITCH is
that the U.S. won't GIVE Cuba all that stuff for FREE because you believe
it is our "OBLIGATION" to give it to them. You STILL run away from
explaining your logic on WHY the United States OWES it to Cuba to GIVE
them the things you whine about. They can BUY it.
- the US supplies lots of Cuba's food as confirmed by lots of sources.
- the Cuban regime has no money to buy the food it really needs for the
people given it mismanaged agriculture which resulted in 80% import
dependency for food and the economy as a whole which doesn't provide them
the means to purchase what Cubans need
To hide these facts he uses post-edited snippets of statements of Amnesty
and others in the vain hope to mislead people.
Everybody that exposes his lies he insults with venomous lies.
The guy is a nutcase.
I'd say that Comrade Christensen plays fast and loose with the truth,
but he is never anywhere near the truth. He whines about availability of
medicines, yet Cuba has over 150 trading partners and many supply medicines.
Comrade Christensen's main bitch is that the U.S. won't GIVE the stuff to
Cuba. He argues that the U.S. "OWES" it to Cuba, yet I can never get him to
explain his reasoning that the U.S. has some MORAL or LEGAL obligation to
FUND Cuba's needs. He just INSISTS that America MUST supply those things
regardless of Cuba's payment history. I wonder if Danny thinks a BANK is
"OBLIGATED" to lend him money if he never repays the loans? That's a
rhetorical question, OF COURSE HE DOES!
2009-11-03 11:36:11 UTC
Post by krp
Post by PL
Post by krp
There is no "killing of Cuban" children.
Still in denial, I(snip)
COMRADE C> Still in denial, I see. As you know, Amnesty
International, only last
COMRADE C> "The export of medicines and medical supplies continues to be
Only from the U.S., Comrade. Cuba obtains all the medicine it
wants from other sources. You are so disingenuous. You KNOW that.
Your BITCH is that the U.S. won't GIVE Cuba all that stuff for FREE
because you believe it is our "OBLIGATION" to give it to them. You
STILL run away from explaining your logic on WHY the United States
OWES it to Cuba to GIVE them the things you whine about. They can BUY
- the US supplies lots of Cuba's food as confirmed by lots of sources.
- the Cuban regime has no money to buy the food it really needs for
the people given it mismanaged agriculture which resulted in 80%
import dependency for food and the economy as a whole which doesn't
provide them the means to purchase what Cubans need
To hide these facts he uses post-edited snippets of statements of
Amnesty and others in the vain hope to mislead people.
Everybody that exposes his lies he insults with venomous lies.
The guy is a nutcase.
I'd say that Comrade Christensen plays fast and loose with the truth,
but he is never anywhere near the truth. He whines about availability of
medicines, yet Cuba has over 150 trading partners and many supply
medicines. Comrade Christensen's main bitch is that the U.S. won't GIVE
the stuff to Cuba. He argues that the U.S. "OWES" it to Cuba, yet I can
never get him to explain his reasoning that the U.S. has some MORAL or
LEGAL obligation to FUND Cuba's needs. He just INSISTS that America
MUST supply those things regardless of Cuba's payment history. I wonder
if Danny thinks a BANK is "OBLIGATED" to lend him money if he never
repays the loans? That's a rhetorical question, OF COURSE HE DOES!
Dan Christensen knows very well that Cuba is again close to bankruptcy.
The Cuban regime hasn't paid suppliers for over a year in some cases (1)
with a total commercial debt of close to a billion (2) and has forced
some suppliers to extend 360 day credit for continued supplies in
exchange for some payments (3)

Cuba standard tries to impose payments terms of one to two years (4).
This high rate of debt default is why credit insurance companies and
state export financing companies in Europe no longer are willing to
cover exports to Cuba (4).
In China the state had to step in with massive guarantees a couple of
years ago to ensure Cuba could continue to buy (5).

The current crisis in forcing the Castro regime to cut back even further
on purchases, the lowest rate of decline being with the US (6).

Cuba is now paying a hefty price for its neglect of its agriculture -
leaving 50% of arable land unused, allowing most to be in the hands of
inefficient state entities - (7) and its Mismanagement of the economy
that can't produce enough cash to pay for imports (8).

That leaves Cuba with massive commercial and state debt (9).

(1) Los exportadores valencianos llevan un año sin cobrar sus ventas a
Cuba - Valencia_Valencia - Valencia - ABC.es (15 July 2009)

(2) Cuba Moves to Decentralize Imports
July 21, 2009

HAVANA TIMES, July 20 - The Cuban government has decided to
decentralize expenditures in hard currency for imports, which will now
be managed by the individual ministries instead of a single centralized
super account, reported Mexico's La Jornada newspaper on Monday.

Nevertheless, the daily points out that the new measure does not
state the fate of outstanding accounts that have not been paid to
foreign suppliers over the last seven months, estimated at around one
billion USD

Cuba Moves to Decentralize Imports - Havana Times.org (21 July 2009)

(2) Foreign suppliers in Cuba fret over payments crisis | Markets |
Bonds News | Reuters (29 September 2009)

(4) Sweden:

(5)China becomes Cuba's second trading partner

HAVANA: China became Cuba's second-largest trading partner after
Venezuela in 2005, but Chinese companies worry about collecting payment
for their increasing sales of durable goods to the island, a Chinese
diplomat said on Friday.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan - China becomes Cuba’s
second trading partner

(6) Drástica caída de las importaciones en Cuba (4 September 2009)

Fuerte caída del comercio de Cuba con cuatro de sus principales socios -
Noticias - Cuba - cubaencuentro.com (21 October 2009)

Cuba's declining trade betrays depth of its crisis | Reuters (20 October

(7) To save communism, Raul experiments with consumerism Minor economic
reforms by Castro's brother risk exposing inequality and encouraging the
desire for change.
Rory Carroll in Havana
The Guardian, Monday 7 April 2008

"The most important change so far is in agriculture, in which
mismanagement has shriveled cash crops such as sugar, tobacco and
coffee and forced the lush island to import 80% of its food. Now
decision-making has been decentralised and some restrictions lifted to
give farmers more incentive to produce."


La tierra ociosa creció un 25% en los últimos cinco años

Cuba se alarma: ociosa 50% de tierra cultivable
Article Launched: 06/30/2008 10:31:30 AM MDT

(8)Waiting for Obama | The Economist

This will be exacerbated by pressures from high food import prices
imports around 80% of its food needs), falling nickel prices (a main
source of foreign exchange) and the hurricane-related losses. The
country's already huge trade deficit soared in 2008 by 70%, to an
estimated US$11bn.


Cuba, in liquidity crunch, rolls over euro bonds | Markets | Reuters (9
June 2009)

South Africa waives Cuban debt

(9) Paris Club of creditors discloses IOU list
The Associated Press
Posted on Wednesday, 11.26.08

